deKay's Lofi Gaming

Batman: Arkham Asylum (360): COMPLETED!

With Mass Effect bagged on Monday, my next game to tackle was this. And what an absolutely outstanding game it was! I didn’t really enjoy the demo when I played that a while back, but now having played the full game I can see why – you miss some of the first part of the game out, and are chucked into a later bit too early. This means you need to use some slightly more advanced techniques too soon. It …

Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4): COMPLETED!

Just a few hours into Batman: Arkham Knight, you’re tasked with taking the Batmobile up onto a roof and effectively making it jump from roof to roof to reach an electrical panel or something. It’s utterly ridiculous, and is not what you’d expect the Batmobile, what with it being a car and everything, is for. This did not bode well for the rest of the game. Thankfully for all concerned, that was it. Sure, there were a few car-based acrobatics …

Batman: Arkham Origins (Wii U): COMPLETED!

What’s this? Two Batman games completed in a single day? What are the chances? Before today’s session I was actually pretty close to the end anyway, so it only took about half an hour to finish off. Well, over an hour if you count the ludicrously long credit sequence which listed every single person who has ever existed ever, and plenty of other people who never existed at all. Probably. Anyway. The game! Was brilliant. Although it started off full …

Batman: Arkham Origins (Wii U)

Despite not “digging” the Arkham Asylum demo all those years ago, I got thoroughly hooked on the full game. This surprised me, as I’m normally not a fan of stealth action games, but you don’t have to play 100% stealth with Batman and even when you do, the hiding is varied and fun, rather than rigid and frustrating. I played Arkham City and enjoyed that as well, although it wasn’t as good as the first game. The interior sections were …

Batman: Arkham City (Wii U): COMPLETED!

Well, look at that. It turns out the final 15% of the main story takes less than 20 minutes to do. I literally just had to make it to a cinema, then have two fights inside with the end of game boss. Two very, very easy fights. I have to say, the difficulty, and quantity, of the “big” fights in Arkham City both fall way short of those in Arkham Asylum. I think there’s only been one I didn’t beat …

Batman: Arkham City

Aside from the VERY exciting 3DS release (10 days away!!) there are only two games this year I’m looking forward to. One is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which I am currently on Media Blackout from as I don’t want any spoilers or anything – I want to play it without knowing a thing about it. The other, is Batman: Arkham City. Despite hating the demo of Arkham Asylum, I loved the full game. I eventually realised this was due …

A post about video games

Hello! It’s been a little while since I last posted anything, mainly because I’ve been busy. Thought I’d just mention a few upcoming games that’s I’m really looking forward to, and some other game related stuff. It’s been a slim few months for releases I’ve been interested in. Partly because there haven’t been that many big games over the summer, and partly because due to the £18 Rule I don’t get much on release any more and by the time …

2010: The Games

So it comes the time to round up my top five games from 2010. As is always the case, a lot of games I actually played in 2010 were, in fact, from previous years. The result of which means that my Top 5 Games of 2010 is really my Top 5 Games That May Have Come Out In 2010 But There’s A Chance They May Have Been Released At Some Point Previous And For That I Apologise. Oh yes, and …

In defence of the Wii

Nintendo’s Wii gets a bit of a hard time on gaming forums and newsgroups. In the eyes of many, it’s still a console for kids and/or old people. If you enjoy playing Wii games, the 360 and PS3 owners sneer at you as if you can’t afford a “proper” console (even though the 360 is cheaper!). They wonder how you can possibly like playing games with “last gen graphics” and “tacked on waggle”. What they’re not realising, is that graphics …

Completed 2010

Mario Kart Wii (Wii 01/01/2010) Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box (DS 09/01/2010) Broken Sword: The Director’s Cut (Wii 19/01/2010) A Boy and His Blob (Wii 21/01/2010) Lego Rock Band (360 29/01/2010) I Love Katamari (iPhone 31/01/2010) Excitebike: World Challenge (Wii 09/02/2010) Mass Effect (360 15/02/2010) Batman: Arkham Asylum (360 20/02/2010) Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 5: Rise of the Pirate God (Wii 25/02/2010) Sonic and Knuckles (Wii 25/02/2010) Castlevania Rebirth (Wii 27/02/2010) The Conduit (Wii 28/02/2010) Mega Man 10 (Wii …

Stuff wot I are bin playing recently

Another round-up post, I’m afraid! Batman: Arkham City (PC) Despite the hassle it is to set up (all those cables and adapters and begging Windows to let audio go out the HDMI port please), and the fact it’s a PC game, I’m still enjoying it. It feels like driving a car when you know one of the wheels is going to fall off at some point. You enjoy the ride, but are on edge that at some point you could …